

Aug 06, 2023

5 tips to be an after

Setting aside some time – maybe a couple of hours on the weekend – to prep food for the week’s meals can help stretch your time and allow more moments to enjoy meals around the table as a family.

It’s one of the busiest times of the year, meaning managing mealtimes can be tough as families navigate the school year hustle. Between school, work, extracurriculars and social activities, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to eat and when.

Put your worries aside and become a true after-school hero with these timesaving, delicious meal planning strategies while giving back to communities in need.

When it’s time for a grocery run, write down everything you need, perhaps on your phone’s notetaking app, being sure to take inventory of ingredients you already have on hand. Keeping the list handy can make your trip to the store efficient while helping you stay on track, avoid multiple trips and prevent buying excess or unnecessary items.

One of the first steps in meal planning should be making a list of all the meals you and your family enjoy on a regular basis. Compiling this list can help simplify weekly dinner plans and reduce stress at the grocery store. Include simple recipes like sandwiches, tacos or chili.

If you want to make an easy, tasty dinner to save the day, consider something simple like chicken fried rice. All you need is 15 minutes and Ben’s Original Ready Rice, chicken breast meat, peas, carrots, reduced sodium soy sauce, garlic powder and eggs. As you try new recipes, add any family favorites to the list and consider reinventing classics by bringing in a different side dish like rice and grains to give them a whole new spin.

Before you plan your meals for the week, take a look at your calendar. On days that include evening activities, opt for easy-to-prepare meals or slow cooker- or air fryer-friendly recipes to save time. Leave more complex meals for less busy days or weekends, and don’t be afraid to schedule a weekly leftover night to empty out the fridge before your next trip to the grocery store.

Turning to your pantry for after-school snacks and quick meals can help keep busy nights from getting even more hectic. For example, the entire portfolio of Ben’s Original Ready Rice – Whole Grain Brown Rice, Jasmine, Spanish Style and more – can help provide tasty, convenient meal options that are ready in just 90 seconds. Plus, until Nov. 12, for every $1 spent on participating products, $1 will be donated to No Kid Hungry through the “Be an After-School Hero” program, which can help provide 2.5 million meals to those who need them most.

Setting aside some time – maybe a couple of hours on the weekend – to prep food for the week’s meals can help stretch your time and allow more moments to enjoy meals around the table as a family. This time can be used to cut, brown and divide proteins into portions; chop or slice fruits and vegetables; prepare one-pan dishes; make sauces; and more.

Fight mealtime fatigue and make school night meals a cinch with more ideas and recipes at

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