

Jul 21, 2023

State Fair memories wash over Sunrise Terrace

Aug. 31, 2023 12:47 pm

Every August, the residents at Sunrise Terrace enjoy reminiscing about county and state fairs they participated in over the years and replicating some of the fair events. This year they had a 4-H infused fair experience that was a hit!

Local 4-H leaders Amber Scott from the 4-H Wizards, Emily Moody from the Scott Sodbusters, and Mary Miller from the Jefferson Juniors collaborated with Sunrise Activity Director Rhonda Connop to have their 4-H families bring the fair to the elders at Sunrise.

Residents watched some State Fair highlights and sampled lemon shake ups while anxiously waiting for their friends to come.

The club members set up some of their static fair entries in the chapel and activity kitchen so residents could browse through and see their creations.

Many of the girls chose one item to give a short presentation on.

Everyone moved out under the front canopy in the late afternoon where Gabe White demonstrated his dogs' obedience and agility, and the Henry County Fair Princess, Delaney Anderson, told about her experience in the Fair Queen contest.

Livestock started arriving around supper time, bringing a plethora of parents and siblings to join in the fun.

When all was said and done, there were chickens, a cow, calf, hog, goats, and dogs that everyone had a chance to pet and learn about.

Some of the animals were led around the entire building so that people inside could experience the event as well.

The grill was fired up and visitors and residents had hotdogs, chips, cookies, and drinks to enjoy while socializing. There were also freshly baked goodies provided by 4-H members to sample and 'judge'.

Laughter, reminiscing, stories, and smiles galore turned the area into a hubbub of fun. There were even a few tears shed as wonderful memories of their past were brought front and center.

No one seemed in a hurry to leave, and many said, "Let's do this again next year!" as they headed home.

The residents at Sunrise certainly look forward to a repeat performance!